This fact sheet, for any type of staff caring for a resident in a nursing home or assisted living facility, […]
This document is a conclusive presentation that encompasses the perspective of antipsychotic reduction initiatives in the medical field. Slides are […]
The provided document articulates that agitation in dementia is common, persistent, distressing, and can lead to care breakdown. Medication is […]
This Tracking Tool is an Excel workbook that you can use to track your residents’ mobility, change in mobility, timeliness […]
This provided document is about a bacteria known as C.difficile that causes infections. Avoiding these infections is an essential part […]
This documentation is an implementation guide to provide efficient, consistent, evidence-based approaches for assessing resident and family satisfaction with the […]
Caring for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients can be difficult, but provided here is an article on the usage of “Habilitation […]
The contents of the provided document address the usage of antipsychotic drugs and care for dementia patients in nursing homes. […]
This provided Webinar concisely enforces better practices regarding individuals that may need to be restrained for the safety of themselves, […]