Millions of American’s live in nursing homes for various reasons but that should not put them at extended risk for COVID or any other virus. In-fact the nursing home population and rhose over 65 have been fightining c-diff for years and it gets very little media attention yet kills millions?

Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) caused almost half a million infections among patients in the United States in a single year, according to a study released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Approximately 29,000 patients died within 30 days of the initial diagnosis of C. difficile.  Of those, about 15,000 deaths were estimated to be directly attributable to C. difficile infections, making C. difficile a very important cause of infectious disease death in the United States.  More than 80 percent of the deaths associated with C. difficile occurred among Americans aged 65 years or older. C. difficile causes an inflammation of the colon and deadly diarrhea.

Texas Company Takes a stand Against C-Diff and other viruses with Higher Level of disinfection protocols.

Step #1: Assign One or More Individuals with Training in Infection Control to Provide On-Site Management and over-site

Step #2: Use a high-level disinfection system to reach kill log 6 or higher to get the facility disinfected as possible.

Step #3: Disinfect all who enter facilities to keep new problems at bay by using ENTRY DISINFECTION STATIONS or Entry and Exit Sanitation

Step #4: Us Filteration Upgrades to help reduce the spread via ventilation systems including Heating and Air Condition systems.

Step# 5: Use a protective gel on surfaces to help stop the regrowth process.

Once the facility meets the highest level of disinfection using the steps above, then general COVID-19 and Elder Care protocols apply:

  • Social Distancing
  • Implement Visitor Restrictions
  • Have a plan for communication
  • Create Testing Timelines and retest procedures
  • Evaluate and Manage Healthcare Personnel
  • Actively take their temperature*
  • Provide and train proper Hand Hygiene Supplies
  • Healthcare Personnel Monitoring and Restrictions:
  • Respiratory Hygiene and Cough Etiquette
  • Supply and train on how to use Personal Protective Equipment
  • Identify Space in the Facility that Could be Dedicated to Monitor and Care for Residents with COVID-19.
  • Create a Plan for Managing New Admissions 

You can get a full and detailed list of the outline above from the CDC site:

Reduce the risk

The Importance of reduction of Colony Forming Unites (CFU)

Kill Log: Log 3, Log 4, Log 5 Log 6

6 Log Reduction should be the standard

“Disinfection, a cleaning process, whether chemical or ultraviolet, must attain at least a 6-Log reduction of specific organisms, in a certain amount of time. Sterilization means a kill of at least 6+ Log organisms, while leaving no growth or viable survivors. The Pure Defense powered by AltaPure Technology AP-4 System achieves a 6+ log kill rate.” Dr. Allen Okie, MD, FACAI, FAAP


Is a disinfection method that results in a Kill 3-Log or 99.9% effective kill rate of Covid-19 the right solution? NO. The example provided still leaves 1,000 living microorganisms of the Corona Virus AFTER the sanitation. A log reduction of 3 DOES NOT kill all the viruses and would not be the most effective disinfection method to recommend. 99.9% (3-Log) is not good enough; the risk for infection remains too great.

Best Practice Disinfection Checklist

Layers of protection including entry disinfection walk-thru stations, gel sanitizers and protectant, venting and filteration systems, Protective Equipment, Personal Protective Devices and High Level Fogging Systems to reach every part of the room.

Filter Replacement for Covid-19 and other high level disinfection layering systems.


Covid-19 Air Filtration goal should be efficiencies as high as 99.9998%, with Containment Filters remove sub-micron particles the size of known viruses and bacteria from the air. High Level solutions that allows for a NIOSH N-99 level Filtration without the need for HVAC system retrofit. Above M.E.R.V. 16 Efficiency @ 600CFM. Immediate sub-micron filtration. Synthetic Media with N-99 Filtration. Electrostatic trap sub-micron particles that contribute to viral outbreaks, colds, flu, allergies, and asthma caused by mold.

Note: The data reported are from 2011 and represent the largest, longitudinal, U.S. population-based surveillance for C. difficile infection to date, including laboratory-based surveillance across diverse U.S. geographic locations.

Entryway Sanitation Station

Sanitation Stations can provide safe entry for both staff and students and can effectively protect the decontamination investment made in your facilities by mitigating the opportunity of re-exposure.

Units can be installed at the entrances each school based on school entry/drop- off protocols and building structure with specific attention to volume/throughput requirements for expedient ingress. Being modular, as many as 20 tunnels can be lined up for synchronized use. Our Sanitation Stations are manufactured in the United States for use globally.

  • Up to 3,000 Disinfection Sessions per Tank
  • Used with RTU Provides over 24 Hours of Extended Protection
  • Modular and Portable
  • Branding and Advertising Space
  • Serialized for Added Quality Control
  • Tamper Proof Tank System
  • Seamless Multi-Station Connection
  • Battery/Solar Powered Options
  • Fire Resistant Electrical Housing
  • Quality Tested Prior to Shipment

Surface Protectant

PowerPoint Presentation

Once the surface is cleaned and disinfected, a layer on the surface where it is applied that neutralizes microbes and stops the spread of illness-causing germs on that surface. Standard cleaning protocols use cleaners that successfully eliminate germs on that surface; however, once finished, that area can quickly become re-exposed to germs or microbes like harmful bacteria or viruses. The System creates a long-term protective layer on surfaces that is 99.999% effective.

Disinfection Fogging System

A higher level of disinfection is required to meed the 6 Log Kill required in this protocol which is typically provided by professionals or in-house using commercial grade equipment.


Using the layering protocol along with the CDC recommended guidelines will help provide a higher level of disinfection for nursing homes and residential living facilities and help those in Texas and arounf the world have more confidence.


Nursing Home Disinfection Protocol

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